

Here’s the DEAL, some of you are NOT living up to your fullest potential right now. I understand and I’m empathize with you. I recognize this is a very challenging time and people have to work through the stages of grief at their own pace. That’s fair. But while you’re doing that, it’s time to get your career back on track.

I created a framework, entitled "DEAL" to help you. Right now, you must adhere to these 4 tenants.


Expect more from yourself

Accept what’s happening & adapt to it

Level up


·     Create a schedule & stick to it

·     Set 3 daily goals that you will achieve NO MATTER WHAT

Expect more from yourself

·     You are better than binge watching Netflix

·     Rest when you need to rest, but come on, stop making excuses for you lack of productivity

·     Think of the most critical feedback you’ve ever received and set your intention to prove them wrong

Accept what’s happening & adapt to it

·     It is what it is (people, the longer you stay in a state of denial, anger, or lethargy, the further behind you are falling)

·     This is the new state of normal, adapt

Level up

·     This is your time to shine

·     Visualize the most accomplished person you can and set the intention to exceed that high standard

·     Learn the skills you need and apply them

·     DO the work, each & every day; you will rise!

Good luck! I'm here cheering you on! Let me know how I can best support you on your path.

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